One Of The Best Dental Implants In Toronto

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One Of The Best Dental Implants In Toronto
Pawan Verma
Even though your teeth are supposed to last, a time comes when you have to lose them. The reasons behind removal are far and wide. It could be as a result of an accident, gum disease or incorrect positioning. Following removal, the jawbone weakens and you may not be able to eat properly, talk or smile with confidence. Fortunately, a dentist can put implants that will have you feeling confident again. There are quite a number of clinics where you can have dental implants in Toronto. There is no age barrier for this procedure provided that you have been examined and given approval by your dentist.
Going by the increasing number of dental procedures being undertaken today, most people may not understand what this one entails. First, the dentist inserts a titanium rod into the jawbone. This is done on the site where the natural tooth once stood. The rod has a screw-like extension that lies slightly below the gum. The next step follows a few days later after the patient has healed. This involves attaching a ceramic tooth to the protrusion. The artificial tooth is made by casting one of your other set of teeth in order to come up with a perfect replica.
Titanium makes an ideal choice for dental implants owing to its harmless effects on your body. It fuses with the jaw bone without any side effects. As a matter of fact, titanium based implants strengthen jawbones. Before you are cleared for surgery, the doctor has to examine and determine whether you can withstand an implant. For instance, patients who undergo tooth extractions smoothly are capable of sustaining dental implants. However, people with gum disease, diabetes or cardiovascular illness require further medical evaluation. Success rates differ depending on where the replacement tooth is located. For example, lower front tooth implants have a higher chance compared to those located at the upper rear side of the jaw.
Another important thing to note about dental implants in Toronto is that this procedure takes between nine months and one year. It involves two phases. In phase one, the oral surgeon makes an incision, drills a hole and inserts the implant s rod. You are then left to heal for a period of 3-6 months. This gives the implant sufficient time to fuse with the jawbone. During the second phase, the surgeon attaches a metal extension to the already firmly rooted titanium rod. He will also take a cast of your mouth. This is to assist with making a mold which will further be used to make a prosthetic tooth. Once it is ready, the doctor inserts it on your next visit.
In order to prevent tissue from growing and covering the implant, the oral surgeon inserts a healing cap through the screw threads. Implant surgery can also be done for several missing teeth, in which case the dentist must plan adequately. Artificial teeth help restore shape to your face, brighten your smile and enable you speak with confidence. Above everything else, they restore your ability to chew food properly by evenly spreading pressure on your jaws.
For more information about CeraRoot Dental Implant, please visit Thornhillsmilecentre.comArticle Source: